sensitive skin - Pure Culture

Understanding the Causes and Triggers of Sensitive Skin

Millions of individuals throughout the world suffer from sensitive skin, a common and sometimes misunderstood skin condition. People with sensitive skin are aware of the discomfort it can cause, which can range from redness and itching to burning feelings. Understanding what causes and triggers of sensitive skin is crucial for managing it properly.

Understanding Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is extremely sensitizing and highly intolerant to any minor external stimulation, and it is prone to itching, tingling, burning, and tightness. Flushing, erythema, stinging, tingling, irritation, dryness and discomfort, desquamation, palate, fine pimples, and exudation are all common signs of sensitive skin. Patients frequently exhibit heat sensitivity, and sometimes even simple skincare items and water cannot be tolerated, resulting in a rash that is difficult to cure and causes stress in many patients.

Sensitive skin might be an inheritable condition or a condition that develops with time. It could also be prompted by anything else. Sensitive skin can occur in people with normal skin, when the skin barrier is disrupted, or as part of the symptoms of facial dermatoses such as rosacea, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. 

Causes for Sensitive Skin

- An inflammatory reaction occurs when irritating chemicals, such as soap, come into touch with the skin.

- Pollution, or household detergents.

- The epidermis's altered barrier function. This condition then contributes to the dehydration of the skin, particularly the penetration of potentially irritating substances.

- Mental health problems such as stress.

- Hormonal influences (menstruation, menopause).

- Physical effects include the sun, changes in temperature (hot/cold), wind, air conditioning, heating, and hard water.

Having sensitive skin may make you feel as though you are crossing a minefield. Finding out what's causing your terrible skin reaction might be daunting because there are so many potential causes, from inherited factors to environmental triggers. The ingredients in cosmetics may easily enter the skin and blood, it is a truth. Once ingested, these compounds have the potential to harm the neurological and endocrine systems, as well as create issues with development and reproduction.

Common chemicals and ingredients that you need to avoid in skincare


To make items foam or lather richly, sulfates are added. The two most used chemical lathering agents are sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS). The material is made from sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) by the extremely polluting chemical process known as ethoxylation. These foamy enemies can irritate the skin and cause it to become peeled and swollen.


The usage of perfumes is frequently linked to skin irritability and runny noses. According to the pharmacist, perfume is one of the biggest allergens. Perhaps not everyone is aware of how damaging scent is to skin. The essence itself is a concoction made up of synthetic or natural spices as well as a range of chemical ingredients, some of which are mostly carcinogenic and allergenic.

Mineral oil

Mineral oil, which is waterproof and very hydrophobic, is made from hydrocarbons (coal or petroleum distillates). It moisturizes by preventing water from evaporating, which is an indirect function. It is frequently utilized in several lotions and moisturizers for the skin as well as in hair care products. However, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HPA) can often contaminate mineral oils. Links to cancer from long-term exposure to certain chemicals. Additionally, HPA might aggravate allergies and skin conditions. There is a recommended daily intake of the mineral hydrogen carbon.


Lead and its derivatives are not allowed in cosmetic components. Lead often contributes to whitening and whitening cosmetics since it may make skin appear whiter when used in cosmetics. All living things are poisonous to lead, and human health is adversely affected by skin absorption of both lead and its compounds.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a common component for those with oily skin or acne, however even if you have oily skin, it may be too harsh for people with sensitive skin. Salicylic acid is also excellent for cleaning blocked pores and acne. However, it is extremely drying and irritating for delicate skin in large quantities. It's advised to avoid using this component unless a skincare expert specifically recommends it because it's extremely drying and can even cause burning and redness for people who are prone to sensitivities.

Skin sensitivity can be brought on by cosmetics. The widespread use of cosmetics containing dangerous substances frequently results in the degradation of the epidermal barrier, which results in sensitive skin. The likelihood of negative responses to cosmetics is increased due to the skin's extreme sensitivity. 


People can benefit from and feel protected by skincare products, but there are also potential health hazards. If you have sensitive skin, here are several strategies to manage sensitivity:

  1. Use skincare products that are formulated for sensitive skin. Pure Culture’s skincare products are safe and take care of the skin microbiome. Our products are made from natural origin ingredients perfect for all skin types.

  2. Before applying a new skincare product to your face, conduct a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any adverse reactions.

  3. Use sunscreen to protect your skin from UV radiation and wear protective clothing.

  4. Hydrate your skin. Drink water and apply moisturizers to maintain moisture and protect the skin barrier.

  5. Manage your stress. Get enough sleep and engage in stress-reduction activities like meditation and yoga.


With a greater understanding of the causes and triggers of sensitive skin, you may take proactive steps to keep your skin pleasant and healthy. Sensitive skin can be a difficult condition to manage. Whether you have sensitive skin naturally or over time, choosing the correct skincare products and developing a mindful skincare routine can make a significant difference.

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